Population/Community Health
This webinar will follow Parkview’s progress as they share risk for populations and the continuous growth of their population health care management programs. It also will describe the multiple approaches taken to identify high-risk populations and how to build a physician-led care management…
In this webinar, the Center for Community Investment will share the basics about capital investment and how hospitals and health systems can leverage their existing resources for greater impact on health in their communities.
These webinars outline the importance and impact of the 4Ms Framework, detail the benefits of joining the AHA Action Community, and highlight bright spots in the field integrating Age-Friendly care into their hospitals and health systems.
As part of the AHA's Hospital Community Cooperative (HCC), member teams are advancing health equity and providing quality care by integrating the collective community voice in the implementation of place-based initiatives.
This webinar highlights upstream approaches to screen and assess patients with trauma and ACES in acute-care and provider settings, along with prevention strategies to build resiliency within providers, patients and communities.
This webinar discusses how partnerships around population health can drive organizational and community transformation.
2019 | Chicago
Theme: One Voice
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