Population/Community Health
Build essential and sustainable relationships to foster an inclusive environment that promotes a sense of joint ownership of the CHA process.
Collect community health profile with quantitative & qualitative sources to determine the scope of your assessment and any implementation strategies.
Highlights CHA data collection that reflects and describes the characteristics, experiences, priorities and culture of the community you serve.
Overview of the process for prioritizing health needs identified via your CHA.
A description of the process and considerations for communicating CHA progress and results.
Description of the process for developing comprehensive, multifaceted strategies to address the community health needs in your assessment.
A description of the process for developing an action plan to address the community health needs prioritized in your assessment.
The process of evaluation that occurs throughout the CHA process to assess the impact of your strategies and your progress toward your goals.
A list of resources relevant to community health assessments.
Steps to map your CHA development process and to improve your implementation strategies supporting objectives and needs of your community.