Richard J. (Rick) Pollack


Advocacy & Public Policy, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare DSH, Medicaid DSH, Access to Behavioral Health, Workforce

Making our Voice Heard and Leading the Way to Advance Health in America

It is important for us to continue to exercise the principles of democracy that Washington and the Founding Fathers fought so hard for and speak up, asking hard questions of candidates in this election year and evaluating their thinking on the issues that affect our field.

AHA Annual Membership Meeting

Perspective: The AHA Annual Meeting – Meeting Today’s Challenges, Creating a Healthier Tomorrow

In this ever-changing world, there are fewer certainties than ever before: the health care field, the political landscape, and even the climate are transforming as I write. But, one thing that doesn’t change, and you can count on: The AHA Annual Membership Meeting is one of the best places to learn about the new trends shaping health care, hear about our field’s opportunities to impact public policy from the key players who are shaping it, and talk with your peers from across the country about how we can build a stronger health system for our patients, hospitals and communities.