

The departments of Health and Human Services and the Treasury today issued guidance 
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology today published a notice c
The House of Representatives today approved by voice vote a continuing resolution funding the federal government through Wednesday, giving congressional leaders more time to negotiate an omnibus sp
Hospital representatives are invited to learn more about recent policy activity impacting the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor program and review results from the AHA's latest RACTrac
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission today discussed a draft recommendation that would update payments for hospital inpatient and outpatient services in 2017 as outlined under current law, that
As congressional leaders continue to negotiate an omnibus spending package, the Senate today approved by voice vote a continuing resolution that keeps the federal government funded through Dec.
The uninsured rate declined in 42 states in 2014, and adults in 21 states were less likely to go without care due to cost, according to a new
AHA is preparing to launch its fifth Schedule H Project to help the association advocate for needed improvements to the form and support hospitals’ commitment to providing community benefits.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released a video reviewing ICD-10-CM coding basic
Hospitals this week joined in celebrating National Influenza Vaccination Week, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention t
The recent wave of increases in the cost of prescription drugs is straining hospital budgets and squeezing patients, hospital and other health care witnesses Dec.
The House of Representatives last night passed by unanimous consent AHA-supported legislation (S.
The AHA, Catholic Health Association of the United States and Association of American Medical Colleges today urged the Internal Revenue Service to publicly confirm that hospitals may report expendi
The recent wave of increases in the cost of prescription drugs is straining hospital budgets and squeezing patients, hospital and other health care witnesses today told the Senate Aging Committee a
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearing&
More than 2.8 million people have selected a health plan through the federally-facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace since the start of open enrollment Nov.
A new report reinforces the need for Kansas to develop a plan to expand Medic
Health care is expected to add more jobs than any other sector through 2024, including at least 394,900 hospital jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee today held a